Civil Law

Stand Up For Your Rights with Civil Lawsuit Assistance

Stand Up For Your Rights with Civil Lawsuit Assistance

Work with a civil lawyer in Leesburg, VA

If you've found yourself in the middle of a civil lawsuit, you might not know who to turn to for help. Let Koehler & Vernail, Attorneys at Law offer civil lawsuit assistance. We'll meet with you to go over the facts of your case and discuss your best options moving forward. Whether you're the defendant or the plaintiff, we'll work hard to make sure litigation goes in your favor.

Meet with a civil lawyer in Leesburg, VA today to discuss your case.

Cases we represent

Not all lawyers will stand up for you in court with proper civil lawsuit assistance, but Koehler & Vernail, Attorneys at Law will. We represent clients in:

  • Landlord and tenant cases
  • Contract disputes
  • Personal injury cases

Reach out to us today to see how our civil lawyer will fight for your rights in and out of court.